Monday, September 12, 2011

Buying Cigars

I have seen many people commenting on the condition of cigar when they purchase from an online retailer.  I wanted to share my two cents and whether you should purchase from the Internet for purchase from a local store and what should be expected from each method.  I am huge advocate for purchasing local as it supports local businesses, however it has been my experience that the markup on local cigars is not worth it, but they do have their time and place.  As for Internet shopping the prices are great and depending on the supplier shipping is quite quick. So which one should you use?
Local retailers are great when you are in the mood for a cigar and you don't have it in your humidor.  Head on down to your local store and purchase it.  The second time I recommend using you local dealer is if they have a lounge.  Nothing is more unacceptable in my mind than to bring your own cigars to a cigar lounge.  If you are going to simply smoke your own cigars you should at least buy one, because if it was not for the business you would not have the lounge in the first place to smoke.  When selecting a local retailer ask them about their humidor, no it is not rude to do so.  Also ask about their turnover of inventory.  You want to purchase from a retailer that has less than a 30 day turn over, this means you are getting fresh cigars.  I prefer retailers who have walk in humidors.  This allows me to sample the air, is it humid enough, is the wood dark enough to note that there is enough humidity in the air.  Walk ins, in my opinion, have better regulated temperature.  You also want to make that when the door closes you hear it seal, almost like the door on your refrigeration.  This tells you that room is tightly sealed.  If you are comfortable with the conditions of the humidor then purchase from the retailer. Lastly make sure they carry your favorites, if not ask them too but if you are going to be this bold make sure you become a repeat customer in order to keep the stock rotated.
Internet shopping.  This is tricky one.  First do not have high expectations.  Do not expect your cigars to come in smoking condition, if they do consider yourself lucky.  I recommend leaving all Internet purchased cigars in you humidor for at least 2 weeks before smoking them.  If you expect your cigars to come smoke ready, then go to your local dealer.  Think about it.  Stores like Thompson, Famous Smoke, and Cigar International provide great pricing because they buy in bulk and sell in large quantities.  Understanding supply chain makes me realize it is very difficult for these companies to properly humidify the cigars.  They do their best and it should be noted.  As for selection hands down this is the way to go if you can wait a week or two for the cigars to sit in your humidor.  I have also heard many people complain about shipping.  Again, if you want a cigar ASAP go to your local vendor, if you stocking up your humidor but from the Internet.  I have also heard many people complain about customer service.  Personally I purchase everything over the Internet so I have little need to chat with customer service.  Discussing shipping, I personally have never had an issue with the major Internet retailers.  To be honest my cigars arrive within three days and they go right into my humidor.  
The bottom line here is, shop local for immediate smokes and lounge usage.  Shop the Internet if you are stocking up your humidor.  Don't have high expectation from the Internet retailers, you will need keep those purchased cigars in the humidor for at least 2 weeks.  Support your local dealer and lounge as much as possible so you continue to have a place to go enjoy stogie. So there it is my cigar shopping logic.
If you are looking for an Internet Retailer, Thompson Cigar is one of my favorites.  Check them out.


  1. Cigars are available in a wide variety of prices, and wide variety of qualities. Buying cigars online and being paid for wholesale cigars is a great way to get special brands that you have never tried before.

    buy cigars

  2. Arronbond: I completely agree with you. Buying on the internet is a cheap way to get cigars you have never tried before or stock up on ones you don't. We also should never forget to support our local businesses.

  3. I am completely agree with you, Online cigars shopping is really a good way to buy cigars and and tobacco accessories. I am looking for a best online cigars shop in USA.
