Sunday, October 16, 2011

LASIK: One Month Followup

So it has been 1 month since I had the life altering procedure called LASIK.  One thing I want to note is that results very from person to person so my experiences may not be the same experiences you will have.  For the past month I have been ritualistic in my medications and eye protection.  I used the antibiotic drops for 1 week following the surgery and the steroids for two weeks following the surgery, as prescribed.  The lubricating drops continued 4 times a day both eyes for until my 1 month check up on Friday.  I also continued to wear the eye protection at night and avoided rubbing my eyes although at my follow up I guess I could have stopped that two weeks ago.  During the month I also continued to be cautious when washing my face as to avoid direct water in my eyes. I want to make sure it is very important for you to follow these directions as closely as possible as it will help you heal as well as increase your chances of limiting side effects like halos and blurred vision.  So now that 1 month is over here are my results.

First I no longer need to use any drops or protection during the day, unless I feel it is needed.  I also can not rub my eyes and wash my face regularly.  At the appointment the doctor said the healing went fantastic and I am ready to go.  At this point these is a very minimal chance that I could damage my eyes unless I was completely careless and even then I would have more worries than damaging my LASIK.  My vision is 20/15 in both eye and almost 20/10 together.  That means I can read one bar lower at 40 feet than a person with perfect vision.  Depending on the light I can ready 2 bars lower than perfect vision at 40 feet.  My vision is clear and I have very minimal side effects.  Night driving is fine except for the occasional headlights that star.  My light sensitivity is good, but wearing sun glasses outside is preferred. Other than that I have no issues

I have many people ask me about the experience and all I can tell them is that it life altering.  For decades I was limited with glasses.  I had to constantly keep them clean, switch when in sun, and worry about breaking them.  If I counted up all of the money I spend on glasses, contacts, and sun glasses over the years it would go over if not double the amount LASIK costs.  As for Dr. Balin and her staff, simply amazing.  I owe my success to them.  I now see the world better than I ever have and it is because of their attention to detail, counseling, and follow through.  Thank You Dr. Balin.

1 comment:

  1. I could harm my face unless I was absolutely reckless and even then I would have more problems than harming my LASIK. coupon code
